Full Name Here

General Information


Cheat Sheet:


An intro. Just a couple sentences.

What's your first impression of this character?


Keep this short and sweet. A couple paragraphs at most.

How do people perceive them?

Why do they act the way they do? (Try not to dwell to much on personal history, but rather psychology)


This can be a little longer. Not too long. It's just a profile, not a novel.

Where and how did they grow up?

How did they get to where they are?


NAME / Who is this person?

A small one sentence description.

NAME / Who is this person?

A small one sentence description.

NAME / Who is this person?

A small one sentence description.

NAME / Who is this person?

A small one sentence description.


Basic Appearance


Anything special or extra you'd like to add here. "Has a skin condition" "Don't forget about the freckles" "Hairy feet always prominent" "Resting bitch face" "Bad hygiene. They never take a shower."



Paragraph for the clothes they like to wear. What colors look best on them, what material they usually buy, How many outfits they have. Do they workout? Do they have workout clothes?


Paragraph for their uniforms. Like their work uniform if applicable. Do they play a sport? Are they in marching band? Describe those uniforms too.

At Home

What is their loungewear? What about their pajamas?

Dressing Up

Maybe a small paragraph for their Formal wear.

And another paragraph for what they wear during a night in the town. Partayyy.

Favorite Outfit


"Early 2010's Mall Goth"

"70s Road Trip Hippy"

"80s Arcade Nerd"

Caught Dead In